Sunday 4 July 2010

The Naked Man

the naked man is a trick used to make a woman sleep with you using the most fundimental element. suprise.
Step 1: you go on a date with a woman and make an escuse to go back to her place. it MUST be her place.
Step 2: you make an escuse for her to leave the room
Step 3: you undress and get into pose
Step 4: when she re-enters, there can be one of two outcomes.

1. she is surprised by your confidence or makes a joke of it and sleeps with you
2. she throws you out and calls the cops.

outcome 1 works 2/3 times.

this method has been tested. i will accept no responsibility of outcomes from this method. use at own risk


  1. dude, i tried this just then and it worked! holy crap! thanks much!!!

  2. lmao thats hilarius! i would probably be the second option lol!! jk

  3. That was a great episode .... Barney is such a player!!! I wanna pound lily and robin!!!! Lolz. -Black Panther

  4. you know i tried the naked man once...

  5. Lmfaoo thats well funny!:)
    Norman you are actually amazing younooo

  6. Lmaoo your so funny
    Norman you are amazing ! :)

  7. depend what type a' chick your trying it on with... or how the bitch acts on the date. s'all im saying.
