Saturday 24 July 2010

Broetry Corner

There once was a well-dressed man,
Who made a young lady a fan,
She gave him her number,
He laid pipe like a plumber,
Then before she awoke he ran.

All the fair lasses kept starin',
At a lad in the tavern MacLaren,
They fought for this stud,
In their bras and the mud,
Must be that pinstripe he's wearin'.

There was a young lass from royton,
Who promised a man named George Foreman,
That she only was his
Though a fat lie this is,
'Cause last night she was screaming Oh Norman.

A man in a sharp navy blazer
Clearly hand-tailored by razor,
Went on a roll,
Captured his goal,
And never got tagged by a laser.

I was in love with a chick named Pam,
Who showed me pics of her fam,
Pretty cute cat,
But her mom was fat,
So I dumped her that night on the tram

1 comment:

  1. LOL ur a gifted broet! wonder if english teachers accept it...i could get into this stuff! >:3
