Saturday 3 July 2010

The Bro Code

Weather we know it or now each of us is goverend by a list of rules and commitments. Some call it morality. Others call it relegion. I call it the bro code. The Bro Code is a book written by me hero and mentor, Barney Stinson. He is the most awesome person who ever lived. His book shows all bro's how to live and how to act but more importantly, how to score chicks. I follow this book to the very letter and never even think of doubting it. I truly believe that if all people followed the ammendments in this book, the world would be a better place for bro's all around the world.


  1. steve whitmore3 July 2010 at 13:29

    whos this norman cleverhook guy?

  2. i met him on a chatroom he seems awesome

  3. Norman Cleverhook, old Pal, it's Black Dynamite.

  4. hes alrite. i met him once kinda cool

  5. Black Dynamite! good to see you its been a while

  6. hey, its kiera this is really good james.
    youre a realy good writer xx

  7. Barney is the best charecter on that show!!!! -Black Panther

  8. ive never heard of him... ill be sure to look it up though lol if hes influenced you that much he must be a good guy because so are you :)
