Thursday 10 March 2011

My ICT Class Grades

rafiq D 34/60

sam D 32/60

catherine E 26/60

Norman E 25/60

georgia 36 C/60

braiden C 36/60

emma E 26/60
luis E 26/60
jemma U ??/60

lauren C ??/60

abbie D 30/60
jack F 18/60
nakisha G 13/60
ross D 31/60

jian ?? ??/60

abby E 24/60
caleb C 38/60

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Info for English Hmwk 9CEN2

The Simpsons

Created by: matt groening
Created in 1987
475 Episodes 22 Seasons
The movie made over 500 Million
First aired on The Tracy Ulman Show
Became an independant series on 17th December 1989
Tracy Ulman sued Fox claiming 'she was the source of the shows success'
She lost -.-
And if you want anymore info just come to me in school before friday.

Thursday 13 January 2011


as some of you may know im in favour of legalising marijuana. its been proven that it does less damage to you than alcohol and although that carries on being sold weed remains illigal. well i stood up when i heard this and i said 'NO! you cant keep selling alcohol to keep raking in money for the dick head goverment if your going to ban marijuana!' well its time for a change. i dont want to have people going to a corner shop to get alcohol but have to wait on a street for something that costs a lot more for a lot less and does a lot less damage. if youre in favour of legalising marijuana email me at and tell me your views. and for those of you expecting something funny heres a picture of a cat smoking weed. enjoy!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

How To Take Perfect Photo's

Step 1: Decide a venue to attend and take your perfect pictures.

Step 2: Stand in front of a full-length mirror and practice your “perfect pose.” Things to focus on: angling your body in relation to the lens so you appear strong and sexual (think Barack Obama). Also, you’ll want to broaden your shoulders to appear extra manly (think Hillary Clinton).

Step 3: When you’re at a venue where cameras are common (parties, birthdays, a camera store), listen for clicks, beeps and servos, as these are the sounds of digital cameras snapping away. Try to ignore the camera bearer and her friends’ “amazing” stories about how smart their cats are and put yourself in prime position for a picture behind them.

Step 4: Watch for premature flashing (aloha!), as most cameras flash twice. After the first, you have between one and three seconds to transition into your perfect pose. Don’t dawdle.

Step 5: Review your photo. It should be perfect. If not, a few hours of Photoshop can fix anything (exception: Susan Boyle). Now, post your photo and get ready to post.

Thursday 21 October 2010


Dear Bloglodytes,

It's come to my attention that there's an alarming nickname shortage for those wondrous spheres affixed to the female thoracic cavity. I'm referring, of course, to boobies.

You're familiar with the classics: knockers, ta-ta's, fun bags, sweater cows. But what about their lesser-known cousins: Honka sacks? Blouse blobs? Milk bulbs?

Every bro should possess an arsenal of unique boob synonyms, or "boobonyms." Why? First, they're fun to say. Second, and more important, a dude must be able to safely and inconspicuously direct his bro's attention to an amazing set of swollen flesh papayas should they come bouncing by. Example: "Bro! Check out the brontosaurus eggs at your 5 o'clock!"

Below are 25 of my all-time favorite boobonyms. Feel free to think up your own but be sure to share them with the greater shirt roosters appreciation community.

Fun Bags
Sweater Cows
Bikini Bombs
Brontosaurus Eggs
Chest Balloons
Speed Bags
Twin Peaks
Honka Sacks
Velvet Cushions
Suckle Huts
Silicone Sisters
Dairy Maids
Blouse Blobs
Strawberry Sundaes
Travel Pillows
Mike & Molly
Flesh Papayas
Milk Bulbs
Lady Turnips
Skin Spinnakers
Shirt Roosters

Friday 30 July 2010

The Slap Bet

as you all may know a slap bet is a bet when the winner gets to slap the loser as hard as possible. i won a slap bet today but unlike the slap bet between barney and marshall, where marshall got to slap barney 5 times from now to infinity, i got to slap my friend james 3 times in the next 3 years. i already used one when he was bent over fixing his bike i hit him. hard. the next two are gonner be special. does anybody have any suggestions about how and when to do it? email me at

Saturday 24 July 2010

Broetry Corner

There once was a well-dressed man,
Who made a young lady a fan,
She gave him her number,
He laid pipe like a plumber,
Then before she awoke he ran.

All the fair lasses kept starin',
At a lad in the tavern MacLaren,
They fought for this stud,
In their bras and the mud,
Must be that pinstripe he's wearin'.

There was a young lass from royton,
Who promised a man named George Foreman,
That she only was his
Though a fat lie this is,
'Cause last night she was screaming Oh Norman.

A man in a sharp navy blazer
Clearly hand-tailored by razor,
Went on a roll,
Captured his goal,
And never got tagged by a laser.

I was in love with a chick named Pam,
Who showed me pics of her fam,
Pretty cute cat,
But her mom was fat,
So I dumped her that night on the tram